
LV=Louis Vuitton=Exclusive=Status=Wasteful=???

LV is my DREAM... but some friends told me dont need buy a bag that cost around 2k because is wasteful...
HOW do u think?
My DREAM is get a LV bag before i'm 30 years old...

Exam Is???

Friends, wats the purpose of exam??? test our knowledge? test our memory? or test whether we have listen wats lecturer's mention the important point in the class?
actually, for me, exam is just a step to graduate. i never think or dream i must get first class or A, i just want can ''pin pin an an '' de graduate in UUM... justnow my friend msg me and encourage me to ''enjoy the exam season because i just left 1/2 years stay in UUM''
WILL i MISS the exam season after i graduate??? i dont know the answer... BUT definitely I will MISS the duration that sharing tips with my FRIENDS.
GOOD LUCK & HAPPY exam season lo...